The Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center uses the ClonePix 2 system to efficiently screen and isolate positive hybridoma clones


Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center


Ben Hoffstrom, PhD, Director of Antibody Technology


ClonePix 2 Mammalian Colony Picker

The Challenge

The Antibody Technology Shared Resource at the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center offers custom antibody development to academic and industrial research groups. Their unique multiplex screening platform incorporates a Molecular Devices ClonePix 2 for identifying and picking monoclonal hybridoma colonies that secrete antibody to specific protein, peptide, or small molecule targets. The ClonePix 2 has allowed them to completely redefine their project workflow and capacity.
The Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center uses ClonePix 2 System

Products Used

Automatically screen more clones in less time than conventional techniques, select cells with optimal expression levels, and pick colonies with accuracy with the ClonePix® 2 System. ClonePix Systems are now used in over 100 laboratories around the world to increase workflow productivity, leaving more time to better characterize target proteins and run new projects. A large number of biopharma companies have implemented ClonePix Systems in their routine use and data are cited increasingly in scientific publications and conferences.

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